Happy New Year!

Shanimuni Go ch.115-116
Doubutsu no Oishasan ch.85


  1. Happy New Year to you too! ❤️ �� ��

  2. Happy New Year to you too, and thanks a lot for the new chapters :)

  3. Yay! Thank you very much for the chapters!

  4. Happy New Year, and thank you for the chapters!

  5. Happy New Year and thank you for these chapters.

  6. I'm super-thankful for your work lately! I was a fan of Real Clothes (and the thematic group credits pages, too!) for years, And have gotten into Doubutsu no Oishasan in the last 12-18 months pretty hard, too. With Batoto closing, I'm worried about losing track of " my series", and also realizing I could be expressing more gratitude directly to groups!

  7. Hello! Just wanted to check with staff to see if you knew of mangadex.com / there is any chance of me being able to read your series (ESPECIALLY Doubutsu no oishasan and Real Clothes) over there. I like to read on my iPad, so online readers ar the best option for me. Sorry if this is rude/ you've already made a decision about or had a problem with them, and thanks as always for your hard work.
