Doubutsu no Oishasan Completed!

 It's done! Done! Done! 

Thank you to everyone who have worked on this project and all the readers who have been on the journey with Hamuteru and the gang. They've graduated and we are too =D

 Doubutsu no Oishasan ch.118-119 (Fin)


  1. I've been following this manga religiously for the past, I'll hazard to say, 10 years and I can't believe it is over. This manga has been with me through some tough times and some good times. It never failed to put a smile on my face (and sometimes a tear in my eye). I am so glad I got to read it. It is a wonderful manga and I'll miss it terribly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for never giving up on it. Thank you all for your hard work, your consistency and your dedication.

  2. Omg, I'm so happy to see this finished! I've been following the series since Day 1, and it has been a delight from beginning to end. No small feat for a 12-volume series, I must say!

    Thanks so much for seeing Doubutsu no Oishasan through to the end <3<3<3
